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Wetting & Diaper Wonderland helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

There are so many different kinds of relationships with so many different levels, it would take forever to list & define them all. Instead, why don’t I add one more to that list? Except, I’m not really adding it, because it’s been here all along.

It’s one that includes a dynamic that takes the emotions felt and intensifies them. Soon, the simple gestures he makes towards you are so inviting of your response, you follow his escort of your heart helplessly. He goes from being a part of your thoughts and of your world to being at the core of the obsessions that make up the impulses you call your mind.

It must be a dynamic with a lot of multi-layered satisfactions to be able to affect a soul in such a way. And that it is, but so much more.

It’s called many things: age play, role play, ABDL, diaper play, infantilism, but the name I like the most and relate to with a desire that will never leave is “The Daddy’s Girl Fetish”. The dynamic is tailor-made for a girl who has a little side and a guy who wants nothing more that to “care” for her.

Most everyone has a side of themselves which they keep hidden and only the right set of circumstances in the right situation will generate the reassurance of safety and confidence of trust needed to be able to open one’s self up completely.

A “little” or a BabyGirl identifies with so many emotions and states of mind that she could completely change her disposition all the time were it not for the guidance of her Daddy. (But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still think it!) One minute she colors a picture of a little girl by a stream who is dancing with the fresh sunrays from a post-rain storm, rainbow-touched sky. The next minute she is sitting on the couch, absorbed in a pack of fruit snacks as her favorite TV show captures her attention. Then in walks her Daddy whom she dashes to for a warm embrace and sweet exchange of sentiments. Her world is so little and she feels little within it, almost to the point of being lost without him. For it is he, with a calm, caring, gentle approach filled with love and adoration, who makes her smile, inside and out. And it is the Daddy/BabyGirl dynamic which ignites her happiness into an impassioned frenzy for more.

Her heart seeks the Daddy who wants to love her for the little girl she is, to know what she is thinking before she thinks of it, to know what she needs before she needs it, to know why she does what she does and he nurtures her heart, praising her for her decisions every step of the way. He is collected in his thoughts while still being spontaneous enough to seize the moments that arise. And when it gets quiet, he either revs it up or keeps it settled, dependent not only on her mood but also on whether she needs to calm down for a little while. And all along the way, he finds the reward of fulfillment by giving her the same.

There are countless examples of activities, moments of tenderness, moments of excitement, met dreams, wishes, desires and so much more that will be unique and personal to each Daddy and BabyGirl couple.

And when that bond forms between them, the dynamic ceases to be “playing”, becoming a natural part of their relationship and who they are. The feelings and emotions are far more intense than anything a vanilla relationship can offer. And those feelings stay with you, even when in the midst of a simple shopping trip to the grocery store. You are able to carry little feelings and Care Giver feelings out into every facet of the world in which you exist. Without alerting the world around you of the nature of the dynamic in your relationship, you are able to keep it something that is private, therefore special to the both of you.

Leaving no secrets unrevealed to each other, in a Daddy/BabyGirl relationship you bare “the all” about yourself. And it will be from that relationship that you find the love you were always looking for in a soul mate you were meant to share it with.


Miss Piss

Dirty Diaper Girls
